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                  About Us - Enterprise Culture

                Shanghai Okeyi in as autodesk professional consulting services company in Shanghai region and gold products distributor, is different from other agents and regional focus on the business software sales. Shanghai Okeyi while maintaining software sales professional and responsible business in Shanghai at the same time, is mainly engaged in for the engineering construction (AEC) industry users including BIM project outsourcing and project consulting, computer software application plus custom integration, secondary development, application, technical training, a number of solutions and services, and the series of CAD technology and design idea of BIM informatization, systematic, integration, network, together into the guidance, in the construction, mechanical CAD, CAD technology CAD software and other industry and various application fields such as BIM solution including network system, software and hardware system design, project implementation and system integration and technical training, etc., for the majority of users to provide comprehensive and high quality professional services.



                Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the spirit of customer first, service first, talented person is the highest spirit of enterprise, with today's international most advanced software products and the most advanced technology and ideas, by the engineering construction industry customer actual demand as the guide, for each customer to provide quality software solutions with BIM solutions.Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the special for this form of software sales and technical services to become the Shanghai region the most competitive one of solution sales team and services team.


                At the same time, Shanghai Okeyi is currently Microsoft、Adobe、Ansys、Oracle and other domestic and foreign well-known software manufacturers in Shanghai area of quality partners and channel distributors.

                Shanghai Okeyi in accordance with the backbone of most members have engaged in software sales industry and service industry for many years experience in project construction, software vendors involved in the industry association and the organization during the period of multiple activities, also held in user interaction, to actively promote the Shanghai area engineering construction and raising the level of CAD with BIM technology application development, standardize the order of CAD software market and management, BIM design concept of innovation and practice, has played a very positive and good effect.


                In order to better serve customers, provide our customers with more comprehensive and high quality solutions, we will bring together a group of like-minded industry elite, and through developing the good cooperation with the manufacturers, will include BIM solution and CAD series products in various fields, advanced design concepts and excellent tools to the customer, to make them better, newer, more high quality tools.Through us to the general new and old users to provide more thoughtful and sincere technical support and service, and through the close and good cooperation with autodesk company, makes the customers, vendors and we achieve the win-win situation, and make the industry information technology application level is improved greatly.